5 Promo Spots done for Glamarita Cash Mob.
What IS a Cash MOB?
It’s exactly like it sounds. An entire group of Glamarita lovers have conspired to organize this spectacle of love. On March 24th, at 3pm, we will gather a mob with CASH to spend, and do some good already! We will have gorgeous models wearing silent auction pieces donated by your favorite local designers. We will have hype, paparazzi, music and FUN, and Ronnie will have plenty of awesome goods to sell, including gift certificates for custom design work. (Don’t you have an event coming up? Pretty sure you’ll need an outfit for that!)
The Garland Drinkery is hosting the “Mob party” and will be offering awesome drink specials for any one coming in with a Glamarita receipt. The Garland Theater has generously loaned
us the use of their parking lot- a place to gather and a place to PARK!
So go get your friends- loan them a 20 if need be, and carpool on down to Garland with a good deed as your purpose. Meet people, socialize, check out Spokane talent and SHOP to save a great shop, run by great people.